English Training 02 — TED's secret to great public speaking — Chris Anderson

Wilkner Anderson
2 min readApr 22, 2020


This is Ted presentation review to train my written English. I’ve been taking class with my teacher Jeremy and we will use this platform to put up some texts about videos, podcasts, articles, movies, etc. We have these rules: just check words in the dictionary, watch videos without captions, write an opinion about it and don’t check Google Translator. Let’s learn and practice!

After my first experience (wich you can read here) we made a simple modification: now, I will watch the video two or three times and read the subscrition. After that I will start to write the article.

Chris Anderson did an explain about TED Talks and them methodology. Also, he spokes about what TED isn’t: a tool to talk about personal things, personal secrets or others informations that happen only in your company ou to you. The main goal from TED Talks is to share an idea wich can help people around the world.

He gives an example about Hayley: she was so terrific about her presentation to 12,000 people on the theather, but she did job very well, making conections with anothers minds. Also, he explains about our brain process: we have a lot of neurons, conections among them and the an idea comes. The TED Talks could be help anyone, with a great and important idea, to share this to the public.

To share ideas, he made suggestions like: give to the audience a possibility to imagine the situation (like the cat or a leopard example). Give real examples to your audiance and let they imaginations flow. Then, they will be involved with your story and could be imagine in each personal perspective, building your idea in others minds. He finished the video with four guidelines:

  1. Limite the talk in just one main idea — Because ideas are complex.
  2. Give to people a reason to care — Keeping the audience curiosity, givin triggers and what the job to do later.
  3. Build your a idea (peace to peace) — In language to your audiance, using metaphor.
  4. Marking your idea worth to sharing — Who is benefited with this ideia? Only you or your organization? Won’t work that.

English Difficulty Level: Medium

Conclusion: After Iwatched the video to third time I felt more engaged because he spokes in a velocity easier to understood. Some words I needed to search in a dicionarity, but it’s normal.



Wilkner Anderson

Formado em Jornalismo e também em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas. Faz 10 anos que trabalho com projetos e testes de software .